Invest in your child's future.
Instruction that resonates.
Multi-Layered approach
Camp Future is a multi-layered 5-day educational camp dedicated to empowering children ages 10-14 with mentorship and instruction in four key educational areas.


Students will be introduced to the arts in a way never seen before, by being able to create their very own 3D VR Models
among other activities

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There will be Robot kits, VR headsets & computers available to support our mission of Making Learning Fun!

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Why Camp Future?

Build In-Demand Skills

Emphasis on Agency

Hands-On Applied Logic

Each student will walk away with tangible growth in their knowledge of STEAM and the applicability of that knowledge

Camp Future is built on the foundation of inflection point opportunities.
Instilling Agency in each student is our priority.

Each day will consists if exciting hands-on instruction with a focus on interactive activities that  form new perspectives.

Invest in your child's future.
Camp Future includes proprietary software.

Fuel the Future Platforms LLC.